Tag Archives: running

Advice for Running, Advice for Life

Well, we’re just over one week away from our second Brain and Body exam, so really it’s time to buckle down and hit the books. Unfortunately we’re also almost halfway through the semester meaning that by this point, everyone is pretty much exhausted and could really use a break. The University had Fall Break the past few days, but this is PT school, and we like to march to the beat of our own drum. So there’s no rest for the weary, and we press forward!

I was looking for some motivation the other day, and I stumbled upon this little gem in a Runner’s World article.

“The race always hurts. Expect it to hurt. You don’t train so that it doesn’t hurt. You train so you can tolerate it.” – Mark Rowland, Lauren Fleshman’s coach


And goodness isn’t that the truth! Even when trained, a half marathon is no easy feat. I assume the same is true for a marathon, though I can’t speak from experience. But as accurate as this quote is about running, I think it’s also very true of life. (I love running because I’ve found that most of the lessons I learn are directly applicable to my life.) We have to challenge ourselves, we must continue to push ourselves – physically, academically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually – not so that one day the race suddenly becomes easy, but so that we know how to tolerate it and cope. It still hurts, it is still a battle, but we’re more prepared.

Every day we are being prepared.